v2.0.8 (29-11-2024)
- Fixed CBT item setting of background
- Improved small glitch in footer
- Fixed webshop slider
- Fixed problem on playlist
- Simple improvements of E500 on mobile
- Mobile view for rapporten
- Improve certificate layout
- Improve alginment title
- Improve portfolio layout
- Improve content
- Improved pagination
- Fixed footer shows different
- Improved table showing
- Added the loading icon when clicked on the tile
- Improved homeblock
- Improve responsive LeerTraject
- Improved progress bar
- Fixed the closed button
- Fixed the inputfield of toegangscode
- Fixed AAP: former subject e-mail
- Limitation inputs for CBT item, Multi language optimization
- Set limitation on number of characters
- Fixed Dummy content problem in LT
- Fixed dropdown menu in CBT questionair
- Added options to set the focus of header image when responsive
- Improve planner
- Edit name of planner in pdf
- Showing default names of colums
- Changed names in tab extra acties
- Added configure for alert removing a LT from a leeroute in klanttekst
- Added switch in planner to turn off mail
- Fixed save-feature in preview
- 360 in E500: Improve layout in the report
- Deelnemers toevoegen: Fixed bug convert gegevens
- Aanmeldform: Fixed problem with create group have special character.
v2. (7-10-2024)
- Improved duplicate tab title issue
- Improved overview of Content Tekoop
- Improved the layout show subgroups in overview group
- Improved the layout error screen
- Improved logic of bulk action in Vragenlijst
- Improved select tag in Annmeldform
- Improved connection contents with monitor in Monitor page
- Improved the layout Vragenlijst wizard
- Improved the url back to planner from user detail page
- Improved the message text when delete a content in the group page
- Implemented the duplicate Vragenpool feature
- Improved the layout & the text of url back to Vragenlijst from Pool-Vragenblok
- Added archived subgroup into group detail
- Added delete planner function
- Added the Monitor content into element of Leertrajecten
- Skip the mandatory questions in preview mode with SuperAdmin
v2.0.7.7 (26-8-2024)
- Create responsive scalable patterns
- Correct type in vragenlijst
- Check bron in content-koop
- Check font in planner
- Check length of title vragenlijst
- Connect Monitor to leertraject
- Create better naam-onderhoud from leermodule
- Hide filenames of video in vragenlijst
- Change text of button in subgroup
- Change text for alerts when submitting
- Alignment text before switch
- Add naam-onderhoud in overview in planner page
- Add content leerassortiment into aanmeldforms
- Add fields multilanguage in leerassortiment
- Add options to change colour and background of leerplein
- Add the answers to toetsen for trainer role user
- Add user from subgroup to main group
- Add back to parent page button for reflectieteam
- Improve close leermodule button in preview mode
- Improve layout responsive vragenlijst
- Improve mail notification
- Improve delete feature in popup
- Improve logic when share leertraject to group
- Improve Ontwikkelwijzer
- Improve certificate
- Improve login alert
- Improve UX/UI of Media manager
- Improve start and end times
- Improve popup info user in group
v2.0.7.6 (23-8-2024)
- Mijn.Ardis: Acculader check savefileds
- Intromodule: check and fix
- Fix copy question to other Vragenlijst
- Content toegang improvement
- Improve layout admin pages
- Fix images don't work
- Fix bug because of missing klanttekst, whitelist
- Planner: Improve function remove timeslots
- Create link to EDIT item in CBT-previewer
- GROUPS: Improve filter option
- Update master for English klanttekst
- Leerassortiment: Create report of usage
- Remove the block Aanmelder away from IP-block
- Expand property tab with cancelation email text
- Show EN-subtitles default
- Show subtitles on video
- Correct text of pop-up
- Correct Porfolio in settings
- Correct alert requirement in VL
- Leerroute: Make klantteksts
- Leerroute: (with choosing a sorting) delete chosen one
- Change code into klanttekst
- Change destination after click on name subgroup
- Change link of logo left bottom corner
- Aanmeldform: dates of content do not work
- Aanmeldform: Change “ , “ into a “ ; “
- Aanmeldform: Creating Group system does not work
- Aanmeldform: User who come in E500 through Aanmeldform
- Aanmeldformulier: Improve layout dropdown
- Add change language-buttons in Homeblock
- Add 2FA by mail
- Add code for 360 in new domain
- Check code and problems with vragenlijst.js
- Check security of pagina.asp
- Check working of Credit in Content toegang
- Check function deel evaluatie uit in group
- Check and improve responisiveness 360
- Check working of Dagdeelblok
- Check CKEditor broken
- Check styles CKEditor
- Improve and add icons for certificaat
- Improve cronjobs
- Improve copy CBT
- Improve progress bar
- Improve start and end date in Monitors
- Improve Popup Leerassortiment
- Improve open click on groupname
- Improve mobile responsive to show full content (Planner, Popup Mijn gegevens, Vragenlist)
- Fixed Share Actionplan (actieplan/ontwikkelplan) does not mail
- Fixed Subtitles on video
- Fixed Missing class
- Fixed Multi language on organisation level
- Fixed Styles in MM
- Fixed Problem in creating single page
- Fixed Creating and adding label to user
- Fixed CBT-Item: Copy Item gives error
- Fixed Problem with the same questions in monitor
- 360: Settings for report and mailing
- 360: Add option to add placeholder in text block
- 360: Report: Change save as name
- 360: Change way of scoring on first page in report 360
- 360: Add page top and bottom items in e500-360-report
- 360: Change image for scoring
- 360: Use sorting from list in report
- 360: In new domain check for Ardis hard coded
v2.0.7.5 (20-3-2024)
- Fixed error redo function of vragenlijst in leertrajecten
- Fixed wrong text in the popup notification of forgot password function
- Add Documenten-icon to top menu bar
- Sync all the old table to the new table
- Improved organization's UX/UI
- Add correct link for button of group on admin home
- Add preview content-toegang function in aanmeldform page
- Check and improve the number of users in the subgroup
- Add action to adding button
- AAP with no date doesn't work correctly
- Fixed copy function item of leermodule
- 360 report: Remove blank pages
- 360 report: Correct alignment of text and input
- 360 report: unordered list looks strange
- 360 report: check width elements
v2. (15-3-2024)
- Remove "gender / geslacht" field out of source code
- Change font style for onepager in e500 domain
- Check 2FA in E500 and fix mandatory option
- Remove "gender / geslacht" field out of source code
- Change font style for onepager in e500 domain
- 360: Add dates for invites
- 360: Add date when user answered his questionaire
- 360: Create a button to back home of 360feedback
- 360: Improve line spacing of open question
- 360: Change tab title in leiderschapsontwikkeltraject domain
- 360: Synchronize the style of the report print button
- 360: Show image everywere on new domain
- 360: Add dates for invites
v2.0.7.4 (1-2-2024)
- Improved the close button of the toetsen in the UI
- Improved workflow and styles of the subgroup
- Added Word export feature in the report
- Improved logic when deleting an item in leermodule
- Improved logic when press the back and next buttons after content is changed but it's not saved
- Improved headings styles in the UI
- Improved styles of popup confirm in the annmeldform feature
- Added styles copy button from previous content in item of leermodule
- Improved timeout for hiding notifications
v2.0.7.3 (7-12-2023)
- Check notification in chat function
- Vraag - Check Error of function Toevoegen Aan monitor
- CBT: Resize fullscreen option not optimal
- Missing score after saving wizzard in VL
- Kennischeck bugs
- Improve function restart Toet
- Content of archived groups - visibility
- Check error in document
- Check date in content of user
- Fix Error on Production
- Improve layout leerassortiment
- Monitoren: add comment-field
- Improve label in put in vraag
- Improve redirect page in group
- Update VL-herkansing option
- Check alert when submiting
- Improve UX/UI in start and end date
- Translate security setting-tab into Dutch
- Change order of items in security settings
- Remove small texts
- Check cronjobs and re-activate
v2.0.7.2 (15-11-2023)
- Validate data before create or update data in organization's project
- Create duplicate Vraag function in Vragenpool
- Fixed issue start and end date of monitor belongs to group
- Validate data before create new languages
- Lable in Content te koop got error
- BUG in Hoover in LT-edit
- PL: No background image on top of PL
- Hidden "groepen overview invoice" and "rechten Mbt deze pagina" buttons in client
- Improved start/end date input layout in the preview of monitor
- Improved user search layout in the backend
- Reduce size of image in portfolio page
- Improve user information layout in front end
- Change text that shows when copying CBT
- Improve layout of input tag has type required
- Monitor - Put option Toon op de homepage default on Active
- Remove generate monitor button in toetsen page
- Optimize select/preview contents layout in aanmeldform
- Resolved issue logic when toetsen got over number of times
- Apply new image selector function into Vragenlijst, Monitor
- Remove date text field in monitor vraag
- Improve layout of vraag page
v2.0.7.0 (23-10-2023)
- Optimize new question in CBT
- Optimize start and end date to display contents for user
- Improve double header issue when toetsen is finished
- Refactor content deletion functionality on group page
- When homeblock has no content, hide it!
- Improve feature Terug in popup Mijn gegevens
- Add refresh function when closing Toets in home page
- Add ORGANISATIE in Aanmeldforms
- Sorting contents alphabetical in select tag
- Improving the layout admin
- Convert FOI to HPI name in leermodule
- Optimize search function in klantteksten
- IM: rename file does noet work
- Show loading icon when adding content to group and user page
- Imagemanager: simplefy names
- Improve name split page in admin
- Improve style in Vragenlijst
v2.0.6.9 (28-9-2023)
- Planner items get deleted and not archived
- Timeslot - Correct click position
- Superadmin is only for our IP to set
- Checkbox Monitor "Show on Homepage" does not work
- Confused column in Vragenpools
- Add begin and end date to content when given to user / group
- Make option to redo vragenlist in Leertraject
- Add option to sort on first name also
- Make all buttons on one row
- Improving ImageManager
- Adding content to pool in reverse order
- Skip create pools steps
- Improve lay-out planner
- Fix layout head of Klant teksten
- Correct Dutch message when changing password
- Change sorting
- Improve Ux Ui
- Pop up in timeslot
- Add calender field
v2.0.6.8 (21-8-2023)
- CBT-Edit: Background image with video is not on the right place
- Chat save function: Make it go to redirect correct page
- Group: Create group information icon in the list group
- Organization: Make text right corner changeable
- Vragenlijst & Toetsen: Style the link in the question
- Group: Remove user out of list when that user is selected
- Preview leertraject: Make layout and logic in the preview and front-end are same
v2.0.6.7 (12-7-2023)
- Improve function view more in block Rapportages
- Investigate Copying VL within a CBT
- Check when reset LT
- Correct text after import user
- Lower the save-alert
- Icons in container
- Correct column Naam in Content Toegang list
- Certificaat: Date picker
- Matrixvragen: Optimize layout
- Improve autofill NAAM
- Continue CBT from within LT
v2.0.6.6 (16-6-2023)
- Add helptext to voorwaarden voor beschikbaarheid
- Improve interface 'Deelnemers toevoegen'
- Portfolio: Add waiting icon/animation
- Change notation of date in Portfolio
- Tekst improvement
- Certificaat: Date should be a datefield with datepicker
- Certificaat: Add preview option
- Make the resizing field import users working
- Change text and look in 'Verander wachtwoord' option
- Text error in Toets field
- Fix problem certificate missing data at first start
v2.0.6.5 (20-5-2023)
- Home: don't show our own ip's
- Set new aanmeldforms default to active
- Add "no break" to icons
- Speed up groepen
- Correct text log timeline
- Problem change role for user 10226 - dinsdag
- Adding existing user to group
- BUG: Adding existing user in group
- Why does background in VL in CBT not show?
- Labels on container does not work with VL
- Fix problem with continuing a VL with routing from container
- AutoArchive planners
- Remove digits in aantal punten nodig voor slagen
- Remove text on screen when uploading excel
- Change asp-name function new toets
- Make help for uploading Excel in toetsen_wizzard
- Change action after click on toetsen_wizard
- Add button 'Nieuwe toets met wizard' to toetsen
- Remove button 'nieuwe vraag'
- Error when trying to upload excel-file
- Redirect after upload excel in toetsen wizard
- Change action after click on button toetsen (back)
- Change name of first field in new planner
- Fill every field seperatly
- Change / delete buttons on timeslot page
- Change name button on Planner-page
- Check and change name in Excel-file
- Change name 'Time Slots'
- Change Slot in Tijdvak
- Sorting of planner should always be chronological
- Change color of planner item when in past
- DINSDAG - Website privilege not working
- DINSDAG - Add newsletter to
- DINSDAG - Onepager: Add sharing buttons
- DINSDAG - Remove Arrows
- DINSDAG - Change title of overview page
- DINSDAG - Improve spacing between title and body the same in the list
- DINSDAG - Change titles
- DINSDAG - Contact in main menu got error
- DINSDAG - Reconstruct Onepager structure
- DINSDAG - More space under posts and add share buttons
- DINSDAG - Let styles in CKeditor match with frontend
v2.0.6.4 (23-3-2023)
- Unclear voortgang group
- Improve popup position
- Check and Improve responsive in admin
- Improve preview feature of Leertrajecten
- Improve bad image url
- Make impossible to mail to dissabled users
- Create function copy vraag from Vragenlijsten to other Vragenlijsten
- Participants in subgroups
- Presentie doesn't work the correct way
- Resolved the problem cannot delete vragenpools
- Make the select tags HTML bigger
- Group - Wrong numbrers of user in the overview page
- Check Copyrightsettings everywere
- Create option checkbox certificate for Toetsen
- Add organization field to userpage
- Add 3rd theme color
- Planner: Make option to not show names
- Planner: Add checkboxes for mass deletion
- Footer - Change creapolis to Tools-for-change
- Improve organization option
- Control-P has to open printpage
- Improve responsiveness post.asp, dinsdag
- Change correct text in monitor
- Make 'Show parents only' button for each content-type
- Change order en rename items in klantinstellingen
- Change link to go to the mainpage of the Leertraject
- Change correct link for button back to Reflectieteam
- Appointment list on home is showing items in the past
- Closing LT-user connection
- Popup and refresh function don't work
- Problem in TOETS scores and finishing
- video youtube keeps playing after next question
- Search in Groups does not work
- The dates issue of ContentToegang
- Improve and test mail / gem
- Notification stays in bell-icon
- Correct layout in questions
- Fix problem image background CBT doesn't work anymore
- Check for spaces in usernames
- Wrong alignement Matrix questions
- Roles can see super admin
- Remove background-image when that block isn't exists text
- Remove all contents of group at home when that group is archived
- Improve layout Presentielijst in planner
- Organization page - buttons don't work
- Change right color of save button planner
- Match the number of users in groups and subgroups
- COOKIE ALERT; make smaller and less invasive
- Error on Organisatie-page
- View courses only when group is active
- View courses when leertraject is visible
- Change text in report of toets
- Create option multi language for text in media
- Relocate and change text in vragenlijst
- Improve lay-out of scoren en afronden
- Add Remove button to availability condition
- Repair double condition
- Check conditions for ending LT
- Add toets / VL to portfolio
- Make it possible to add row for articles
- Add posts/news to cms of one-pager
- Add page 'klachtenregeling'
- Make show date optional
- Sort articles on newest date first
- Don't show slider of onepager in articles categories
- Vragen - search for any data that contain the search key
- Oder sorting vragenlijst by alphabet
- Dinsdag: Link contact to contact form
- Dinsdag: Invert logic of buttons
- Dinsdag: Add Azure Active Directory button in inlog
- Dinsdag: Editted the Footer
- Dinsdag: Add an other layout for team
- Dinsdag: Make contact form on onepager
- Dinsdag: Make SVG from icons
- Dinsdag: Sliders are not working
- Dinsdag: Strange code error in Teams Onepager
v2.0.6.3 (29-11-2022)
- Improve overview deelnemer
- Translate text of pop-up message in toetsen – eigenschappen
- Add vink for piece of content WITH or WITHOUT certificate
- Make reflectieteams realy part of e500
- Import deelnemers improvement
- Improvement AAP
- Correct typo in timeline
- Aanmeldform - Show leermodule which added on hompage
- Correct alignment icons in top bar
- Fix prolem Delete button not working
- Check size image in presentielijst
- Improve layout presentielijsten
- Add singleselect option THUMBS
- Strange problem with colorpicker
- Video position in vragenlist
- Aanmeldformulieren: Always start with clean new account
v2.0.6.2 (14-10-2022)
- Improve aanmeldform
- Improve layout planner
- Privileges, check for imrpovements and bugs
- Improve size of inputboxes in edit vragen
- Fix error when delete user
- Make function auto download pdf in Tijdlijn
- Improve layout presentielijsten
- Improve layout Tijdlijn
- Remove Docent Row in presentielijsten
- Create option multi language for block HTML cbt
- Make mail notification for chat
- Create option multi language for Functie geinterviewde
- Create option multi language for Meerdere video's
- Create option multi language for menu in LT
v2.0.6.1 (15-9-2022)
- Improvement security E500
- Remove Enquete
- Progress bar on home should be the same
- Improve layout LT
- LT-tile with AAP progress
- Progress Toets with score
- Place this image in login for all pwyp-domains
- Change allert tekst
- Change text edit vraag
- Add field to edit vraag
- Change in GEM
- Add vink for piece of content WITH or WITHOUT certificate
- Missing color in kennisbibliotheken
- Show English for title's item in LT
- Check profile image
- Planner: wrong order
v2.0.6.0 (26-8-2022)
- Reactivate certificate
- Make it impossioble to choose Enquete in Edit CBT
- Check wizzard toets
- Connect content CBT to monitor
- Connect content LT to monitor
- Add search function to contentpool
- Size icon certificate all the same
- Change style labels in popup
- Translate text of pop-up message in toetsen - eigenschappen
- Advanced Rechten mbt Vragen
- mixup 2 fields when using content toegang
- Naam onderhoud is empty in group detail
- Make copy of _uploads.asp
- Make new page inbox.asp
- Add 2 options for all domains
- Connect option ‘Mail Notification’ to ../inbox.asp
- Connect option ‘Portfolio’ to ../portfolio.asp
- Select icons for Mail Notification and Portfolio
- Add alt-text for hoover over icon
- Connect page to icon
- Build a new Portfolio table
- Improve layout portfolio in page preview Vragenlist
- Make portfolio pop-up
- Change lay-out portfolio pop-up
- Change behavior when pressing Archive- button
- Change the way to show uploads
- Sort by date doesn't work like it should
- Toestsen support for groep
- Complete toetsen handing out for user
v2.0.5.9 (22-7-2022)
- Content-tab -Place all blocks in same order
- Improve overview deelnemer
- Change order in tab privileges user
- Make default color of content / cbt other then white
- Make link of content in group
- Add search possibility in dropdown on more places
- Improve layout of admin E500 for all responsive
- Create option multi language for Cbt and return button
- Improve view documents on home user
- Create check for attachment in GEM mail
- Popup of Rechten mbt deze Pagina is blank
- Fix problem function set dates VL's don't work
- Add option to send reminders to people who did not finish LT
- Improve FOI (CBT-edit)
- Change icon toetsen wizzard
- Improve Toetsen Wizzard: Introtekst and Uitrotekst
- Improve nieuwe toets wizzard
- Improvements Toets-wizzard
- Advanced Rechten mbt Vragen
- Don't go to new page after click
- Translate text of pop-up message in toetsen - eigenschappen
- Create funtion remove leerassortiment from user
- Create save message for block Poolvragen in dir blok
- Fix problem funtion share Toetsen for user get error
- Add menu on the top right
- Let preview pages use favicon of client
- Improve layout page Mijn gegevens
- Don't show document block without Documents
v2.0.5.8 (1-7-2022)
- Available options in Content Toegang - Only show main content was actived
- Add home_blok.asp to the dropdown and check other pages
- Create option multi language in LT
- Add button next-previous to edit poolquestions
- Improve GEM
- Improve open-close LeerElement in LT's
- Add info about connected LT's in Edit CBT
- Add search possibility in dropdown on more places
- Create option multi language for Cbt and return button
- add filesize for attachment gem mail
- Create check for attachment in GEM mail
- Create save message for block Poolvragen in dir blok
- Fix problem function create new templates get error
v2.0.5.7 (10-6-2022)
- Improve Deelnemers Toevoegen
- Create function add documents to a group
- Improve layout Attachment upload
- When archiving 1 group, also archive all subgroups of that group
- Create option multi language in LT
- Add button next-previous to edit poolquestions
- Disable Verwijderen button when 1 or more users are selected
- Optimize imageselector on all places in backend
- Improve advanced import users
- Set this vink default to on
- Make function to check and place users to MAIN-GROUP
- Disable all content from archived groups
- Improve logic backend
v2.0.5.6 (27-5-2022)
- Improve sorting Monitors in front-end
- Never handout same Document twice
- Creat a central overview all groups with invoice
- Add extra options flex-blok Home
- Add more types of content for Content Toegang
- Add posibility of adding image to content
- Improvements TOETS - AFRONDEN
- Improve layout a bit
- Add white block behind monitor (resulaten) block on home
- Improve option on toetsen
- Add searchfield in dropdown EDIT-LEERELEMENT
- Fix Toetsen Wizzard
- Add instruction to VL
- Add icon ! warning
- Fix problem Content monitor double on home
- Check and improve popup Toetsen and also content in popup
- Improve pop-up when open content from home
- Fix problem Progressbar not work
- Check and improve privileges LeerAssortiment
- Improve upload attachments GEM with special karacters
- Add attachment for GEMmail
- Improve Opslaan button in layout boxed
- Improvement interrface
- Explain why do we see the same content 4 times?
- Create save message in function nieuwe poolvragen.
- Make pop-ups from flexbox look the same
- Fix alignment with and without progress bar
- Implement introtext in content pool
- Change name in VL properties
- Remove DNS-check for AFRONDEN of toetsen
- Fix problems with HIP and ACCULADER
- Improve function copy LT
- Fix problem filter in monitor not working
- Fix problem Toest javascript in LT
- Fix problem missing feature VL's from home
- Make naam onderhood auto typing
- Change interface Pool-inhoud
- Solve problem function HERKANSEN not working
v2.0.5.5 (22-4-2022)
- Fix problem multi VL MC question explanation wrong
- Make toets/resulaat page same for all domains
- Redesign Leerelement page and remove gekoppelde afsprakenplannergroepen tab
- Check all Creapolis IP and remove or change into our IP
- Make option add users in maingroup and subgroup at once
- Button bar - Move verwijderen button ton right position
- Make it can go to edit next Item aftrr last item in Opdracht
- Add display-options for CBT on home
- Improve setting Monitor
- Add collumn Actief at deelnemers>group
- Clean up old code, backups etc..
- Check and improve problem that groups sometimes only have title
- Make same vink/option for handing out content
- Central overview all groups with invoice
- Make print report for 360
- Improve layout user edit
- Login Als restrictions
- Make video format option for Boxed
- improve normal add user to group
- Create option multi language in vragenlist
- Make sorting order content toegang pool in backend and frontend the same
- Layout problems with popup Content toegang
- Improve problem Tasks and privileges
- Fix problem Missing css deelnemer-edit
- Fix problem Multi language not work at somewhere
- Make text always fit in popup content toegang
- Improve layout aanmelden on develop
- Fix problem function create a new appointment for group get Error
v2. (12-3-2022)
- Improve filtering Monitor
- Make select trainer at group autosave in edit group
- Tijdlijsn & Dagdelen - Default sort items in the timeline by start-date
- Dagdeel Presentielijst - Change dagdelen in elementen
- Make uitgedeelde LTs update button green when active
- Fix problem the content is devided to 2 column on large screen
- Cheat mode VL's for our IP Change IP of Creapolis to OUR IP
- Fix bug progress Toets does not work
- Never handout Content-toegang to group twice
- Improve layout Toegangscode
- Improve layout IE browser
- Add options CBT in dropdown Content toegang
- Fix layout the inputs in popup Edit antwoord of de vraag
- Mobile view - Improve layout menu in LT
- Make icon on the verwijderen buttons alsway visible
- Improve layout aanmelden
- Improve sorting tables everywere
- Content for group - Only show main LT, don't show its child
- Fix some unavailable fields in group detail
- Add creation-date for sub-group
- Fix problem menu in cbt not work when its have sroll bar
- Fix bug not correct header after selecting Herkansing in Toets
- Vragenlijst - Make button fit on tittle
- Vragenlijst - Fix problem Text overlap
- Mobile view - Improve layout footer
- Mobile view - Varandaren wachtwoord - Adding scroll bar
- Fix bug function Verbergen not working
- Remove LT from group, all content belong to its are removed from user in that group
- Fix problem green bar not working in LT belongs to Aanmeldpagina
v2.0.5.4 (1-3-2022)
- Make GEM Default mails copyable Resize the height of logos in login page to 100 or less
- Import new users - Password must be at least 8 characters long to be valid
- Add remove-trainer-from-group button on group-page
- Improve layout subgroepen
- Fix problem footer is hidden (check all domains)
- Improve delete button on develop like production
- Inhoud - Fix layout into default page from 2 link edit opdracht
- Mobile screen - The notification must be displayed at the layer above the menu
- Bewerk Toets - Make edit button have the same hight and more space with the input
- Fix bug Download XLS
- Check inserts of css and js in klantteksten
- Mobile view - Make srollbar working in Two-Factor Authentication popup
- Double screen when open LT
- Available options in Content Toegang - Only show main content was actived
- Improved input fields for titles have only 1 line
- Aanmeldformulieren (production) - Add ID in list and add field "Date added" to the dbase
- Fix problem bewerken button was not working
- Fix bug The screen flickers for a short time every time we open a new cbt
- Fix bug green bar doesn't show correct progress
- Fix layout zoek (mogelijke) dubbelen page
- Add option color for button multilanguage (style cropdown)
v2. (28-1-2022)
- Let logo sticky on mobile be in the middle
- Fix bug for menus with few old items
- Mobile view - Improve layout menu in cbt
v2.0.5.3 (27-1-2022)
- Home admin - Remain name of button when it's hovered over
- Make the logo on login page sticky
- Made home-flex-box available for all E500 domains
- Rename of buttons in 2 types of content toegang (must be by klanttekst)
- Show an allert with summary when remove content from group
- Create dropdown to choose interface for CBT
- Check code and change Crea-Admin to T4C-Admin
- Improve frontend Leertraject section
- Create monitor 2 from CBT > Eigenschappen
- Improve layout: Wachtwoord vergeten
- Make Preview LT page from Backend look the same as frontend
- Make duration of renew-password-link longer
- Check style footer at front end
- Improved LT progress bar nicer
- LT at frontend - Add 10 pixel between subcontent and Start button
- Checkbox must shown checked when CBT had video
- Advance user import - Make its popup bigger
- Show superadmin toggler at deelnemer edit page
- Check & fix problem option of menu in CBT not working
- Make labels always visible
- Improve menu side bar in cbt
- Preview LT - Solid and dashed lines must lie on the same line
- Preview page - Make info button have default color of domain
- Preview page - Add Terug button like frontend
- Fix error in Aanmelden because of login.asp